18/12/2019 -New bulletin of INEBRIA Latina
A new bulletin of Inebria Latina has been launched. In this occasion, it is presented the contribution of Yován González and Deborah S. Finnell from the New York City Health and Hospitals and Johns Hopkins School of Nursing respectively on training of health care providers on the detection of substance use, brief intervention and referral to treatment (DIT) through an online program
On the other hand, images are also collected about all the participation of Latin American researchers during the 16th INEBRIA Conference in Lübeck, Germany and the news about the election as co-presidents of two leading researchers, Dr. Maria Lucia Formigoni, of the Federal University from São Paulo, Brazil, and Dr. Dorothy Newbury-Birch, from the United Kingdom.
Finally, resources are offered to improve the skills to publish.
24/10/2019 – INEBRIA CONFERENCE 2019: Supplement proceedings
We are pleased to let you know that the supplement Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of INEBRIA has already been published. The full content of the supplement can be found at https://ascpjournal.biomedcent
The link to the supplement is permanently accessible via the Supplements link on the article page of the journal website.
14/10/2019 – Welcome to the new two co-president elect of INEBRIA
On the 27th of September, Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch (Centre for Crime, Harm Prevention and Security, SSSHL Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Teesside University, Middlesbrough (UK) and Professor Maria Lucia O. Souza Formigoni (Drug Dependence Unit Coordinator, Department of Psychobiology, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (Brazil) were elected as co-president elect of INEBRIA during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that took place in Lübeck (Germany) during the celebration of the Annual Conference. They are the first women to that will take on the presidential role with INEBRIA. It is expected that this will happen by the AGM that will take place next year in Goa (India) moment in which Professor Sven Andréasson, current president, will finalize his term. During this year they will be part of the coordinating committee and will work together with the current president to facilitate INEBRIA continuity.
30/09/2019 – 17th Inebria conference. Goa (India)
We are pleased to announce that the 2020 17th INEBRIA conference will take place in Goa, India, on September 24-25, 2020 (pre-conference on the 23th) under the title “Setting new directions for brief interventions”. The meeting will be organized by Sangath, leaded by Abhijit Nadkarni and his team.
Please, be aware the abstract submission process will be earlier than usual starting by December in order to give time to prepare everything (visa, travel arrangements) in advance to authors once their submissions have been approved.
It will be Inebria’s first conference in Asia and we expect everyone’s support and participation.
More information here: https://www.inebria2020goa.com
03/06/2019 -INEBRIA writing buddy scheme
We are glad to inform you that thanks to those that have volunteered to contribute to the buddy system initiative, we are able to move it forward.
Please, bear in mind that it is meant to help non-English speaking researchers to publish in international journals. If you are interested in receiving support, you can apply it by completing the following form.
Inebria secretariat will receive and review all the requests and it will match them to a suitable experienced reviewer according to the areas of interest/research.
For more information, you can contact us: inebria@gencat.cat.
25/04/2019 – Special ASCP thematic series on digital/information Technology (IT) screening and interventions
We are pleased to inform you that Addiction Science & Clinical Practice will launch a special series to focus on digital/information technology (IT) screening and interventions to advance treatment for opioid and other substance use disorders.
This thematic series will highlight in an open-access format articles that address the use of information technology in the prevention and clinical care of people suffering from addiction and in the training and clinical support of health care providers treating addiction. The series will have a particular emphasis on screening and interventions targeting opioid use. Use of IT in addressing alcohol or other substance use will also receive attention.
The series will especially welcome trials evaluating digital screening/interventions, but will also encourage articles across all stages of the research process – from development of the tools through to knowledge dissemination activities.
Funding for the article-processing charge is available thanks to the generosity of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. This is subject to editorial acceptance and will be offered while funds are available. If you wish to apply for this funding, please contact kyle.adair@
link: https://www.
17/04/2019 -New bulletin of INEBRIA Latina
A new bulletin of Inebria Latina has been launched. In this occasion, it is presented the contribution of participation of Augusto Pérez Gómez from the Corporación Nuevos Rumbos (Colombia) on the brief intervention in schools in Colombia.
In addition, it is also presented an article in relation with he predictors of the effectiveness of the brief motivational intervention to quit smoking in university students carried out by Jennifer Lira-Mandujano, Daniel Pech-Puebla, Eréndira Valdez-Piña and Miguel Ángel Pérez -González of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
We remind you that the deadline for submission of abstracts for the Inebria conference in 2019 in Lübeck (Germany) has been extended until April 28. You will find more information here.
16/04/2019 – INEBRIA 2019 Conference – Abstract submission deadline has been extended
We are glad to announce you that the deadline for 2019 INEBRIA conference abstract submission has been extended until April 28th. Don’t miss the to be involved in the Conference scientific programme by sending your abstract, workshop, and symposium submissions for the INEBRIA conference in Luebeck, September 26-27, 2019!
- Submission forms and instructions are on the conference website: www.conference2019.inebria.org
- The closing date for submissions is NOW April 28
Registration is open! You can register on the conference website.
For more information: conference2019@inebria.org
1o/04/2019 – INEBRIA writing buddy scheme – would you like to volunteer?
Following the 2018 INEBRIA Conference in Chile, the Inebria Secretariat received extremely positive feedback from a number of Inebria who were impressed at the high level about the important research being undertaken in the field of brief interventions in non-English speaking countries.
To support our international colleagues, it has been proposed to explore the possibility of establishing an INEBRIA writing buddy scheme to help non-English speaking researchers to publish in international journals. It would be set up on a voluntary basis by experienced INEBRIA researchers who have English as their first language and are willing to provide support by editing and reviewing papers before submission to relevant journals in the field.
If you are willing to volunteer to serve as a writing buddy, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: inebria@gencat.cat.
08/04/2019 –Scholarships for the participation in the Lübeck INEBRIA Conference!
We are pleased to announce that also this year INEBRIA offers four scholarships to attend the INEBRIA 2019 conference.
Candidates should complete the application form at the following link before the 28th of April (note that the regular submission deadline closes on the 14th of April but it will be extended to allow scholarship candidates to submit their abstracts).
The application process for INEBRIA scholarships will be done entirely in English. It is important to include all the necessary information when you submit your application otherwise applications will be not accepted.
Eligible applicants are any professionals with a genuine interest in expanding alcohol screening and brief interventions in their countries. It is important to have an accepted abstract for the Lübeck conference and be a member of INEBRIA. Membership is free of charge and you can apply to join INEBRIA by completing the registration form found on the INEBRIA website.
During this year conference, selected candidates will also benefit from participating in some mentoring activities. More information will be provided after the submission process is closed.
You will find more information about the process and conditions here.
04/03/2019 – The call for abstracts submission for the INEBRIA Conference 2019 is now open!
From now on and until April 14th, you can submit abstracts for the 2019 conference in the form of posters, oral presentations, workshops and symposiums using the forms available at the conference website.
Jennis Freyer-Adam, Jim McCambridge, Per Nilsen, Svetlana Popova and Paul Wallace have been already confirmed as plenary speakers and we are sure they will held splendid presentations on interesting topics such as Brief interventions in and outside the health care system, BI and alcohol policy, Implementation of BI, Bi for preventing FASD and digital approaches to eSBI.
For more information on the conference, please visit the website or write to conference2019@inebria.org
03/10/2018 – 16th INEBRIA Conference. Luebeck (Germany)
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 INEBRIA conference will take place in Luebeck, Germany, on September 26-27, 2019 (pre-conference on the 25th) under the title “Recent Developments in Research and Implementation of Screening and Brief Interventions”. The meeting will be organized by University of Lübeck. More information here: https://www.conference2019.inebria.org/
27/09/2018 INEBRIA CONFERENCE 2018: Supplement proceedings and Program and streaming sessions
We are pleased to let you know that the supplement Proceedings of the 15th annual conference of INEBRIA has been published today. The full content of the supplement can be found at https://ascpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/supplements/volume-13-supplement-1
The link to the supplement is permanently accessible via the Supplements link on the article page of the journal website.
In addition, the final program is already available in this link. In the document, you will find the sessions that will be streamed. These sessions can be accessed at: http://live.grupoz.cl/18d8aa8df239767ca482a89241fde7dd or http://www.senda.gob.cl/.
Please, be aware of the time zone difference.
14/08/2018 eHealth pre-conference meeting of INEBRIA in Santiago, Chile – Wednesday 26th September 2018
The eHealth pre-conference meeting of INEBRIA in Santiago, Chile on Wednesday 26th September 2018 is organized by the e-INEBRIA Special Interest Group in close collaboration with the Chilean INEBRIA conference organizers.
The target group consists of all those that are interested in the scientific and professional developments regarding the design, study and implementation of digital interventions for curbing problematic substance use. Participation at the meeting is free of charge and the program is of an interactive nature.
Short introductory talks will be conducted by Chairs of the day, prof. dr. Paul Wallace and prof. dr. Heleen Riper (see program attached). In interactive sessions we will touch base on current and beyond digital health innovations by means of 5 discussion themes which range from what big data science has to offer to digital interventions for substance use, to how we can improve the quality of applied outcomes and methods in clinical trials. In the afternoon we will pay specific attention on how we can increase the participation of early career researchers in our domain and the final goal of this day is to have sufficient ammunition to build a roadmap for future activities regarding digital health for substance use.
Participation at the meeting is free of charge and all are welcome, both INEBRIA participants and those with a special interest in digital health for substance use.
For more information on our pre-conference meeting, please see the link.
The venue is Campus Casa Central – Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 340, Santiago; “Universidad Catolica” subway station) (pending confirmation).
If you have any questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact dr. Lodewijk Pas at lodewijkpas@gmail.com or prof. dr. Heleen Riper: h.riper@vu.nl
08/05/2018 – WARNING: INEBRIA 2018 Conference and Scholarships for Latin America and Chile
Yesterday, Monday 7th, was the deadline for abstracts submissions and scholarships applications for INEBRIA 2018. Thank you very much to everyone for the great interest and for the large number of abstracts submitted!
Unfortunately, we just identified some technical problems in the conference e-mail inebria2018@senda.gob.cl since 15th March, thus some applications might have not been properly received, particularly the ones applying for the Latin America and Chile scholarships.
For this reason, we need to ask you to resend your applications, in order to be sure of having them all.
Since the problem has already been solved, the e-mail address is still inebria2018@senda.gob.cl. In this occasion, and as a guarantee of receiving your files, we will send you an email confirming the reception, no later than the next day. The new deadline to do this is Friday, May 18.
Registration, abstracts submission and INEBRIA scholarships applications sent to inebria@gencat.cat have NOT been affected.
Finally, we know that this problem could also have affected some other general emails or specific questions sent for the local organization. We apologize and ask you to send us your questions again if we have not answered them.
In the same way, if the abstracts submission or the application to INEBRIA scholarships have been affected by this lack of communication, please inform us to evaluate how to solve every specific situation.
Lastly, we would like to remind you that the evaluation process begins now and the registration for the Conference is still open keeping the regular fee until August 17.
13/04/2018 – INEBRIA 2018 Conference – Abstract submission deadline has been extended, scholarships and more!
We are glad to announce an extension in the abstract submission deadline until Monday, May 7, 2018. Don’t miss this opportunity and be involved in the Conference scientific programme by submitting your abstract here.
Please be aware of other important news about the available scholarships. In the next few days you will be able to find this information, specific criteria and application forms, following this link.
Type | INEBRIA Scholarships | Fee Scholarships | |
Applicants from | Least developed countries, low income countries, lower-middle income countries, upper-middle income countries | Latin American countries | Chile |
Support | Waived fee, travel and accommodation | Waived fee, preconference access | Waived fee, preconference access |
Finally, we are also glad to announce Peter Anderson, as speaker of the Nick Heather Lecture 2018, with the presentation entitled “Alcohol – still a balanced view? 30 years on from the landmark publication of the UK Royal College of General Practitioners. Where are we, and where do we need to go?”. Other key speakers and plenary sessions will be announced during this week. You will find this information here.
19/02/2018 – The registration and abstracts submission for the INEBRIA Conference 2018 are open!
You can register and submit abstracts at the conference website (English version / Spanish version). Abstracts submission ends on April 13.
The conference is taking place in Santiago de Chile, Chile, September 26-28 and The title for this year’s is “Challenges faced in the implementation of brief interventions in diverse settings, contexts and population groups”. More information is available at the conference website
In case of any doubts, please write to: inebria2018@senda.gob.cl
Hosted by Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL), the Nacional
Service for Prevention and Rehabilitation on Drugs and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA) and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
01/12/2017 – New boletin of INEBRIA Latina
A new boletin of Inebria Latina has been launched. In this occasion, it is reviewed the participation of the professionals from Latin America who attended at the 14th Inebria Conference that took place this past September in New York.
It is described the most remarkable contributions they made in both symposia and in the posters presented.
09/11/2017 – Slides 14th Inebria conference, New York
The past Inebria conference in New York has been a great success with around 200 participants from all over the world. The slides and presentations are already available in the Inebria website.
Remember to save the date for the forthcoming conference that will take place in Santiago de Chile, Chile, September 27-28, 2017. More information here.
06/11/2017 – Joining the eINEBRIA SIG
If you are interested in digital interventions for alcohol and other drugs, we are pleased you join us through the following link. Thanks and welcome!
02/11/2017 – Alcohol Awareness in the Workplace
If you are interested in delivering alcohol IBA in the workplace using digital applications, information is available in the following link.
18/09/2017 – Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of INEBRIA
Conference abstracts are now published in the supplement of the ASCP journal and are available at: https://ascpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/supplements/volume-12-supplement-1
14/09/2017 – 15th INEBRIA Conference. Santiago de Chile.
We are pleased to announce that the 2018 INEBRIA conference will take place in Santiago de Chile, Chile, on September 26-28, 2018 under the title “Challenges faced in the implementation of brief interventions in diverse settings, contexts and population groups”.
The meeting will be organized by the Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL), the Nacional
Service for Prevention and Rehabilitation on Drugs and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA) and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
04/07/2017 – INEBRIA thematic meeting Bangalore – presentations available
Presentations at the 2nd INEBRIA Thematic Meeting “Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol problems” that took place the past 6th of April, 2017 in Bangalore (India) are already available at the following link.
30/06/2017 – INEBRIA was invited to participate in the 1st WHO Forum on alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviours
INEBRIA was invited together with many other international associations, research institutions, governments and NGO to participate in the first global forum organized by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse or the first time with a primary goal to enhance public health actions in the areas of alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviours by strengthening partnerships and collaboration among public health oriented organizations, networks and institutions in the era of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG 2030).
07/06/2017 – New boletin of INEBRIA Latina
A new boletin of INEBRIA Latina has been launched with contributions from Viviana Monge from Costa Rica regarding the development of an app to promote alcohol consumption awareness and facilitate the approach to available health services.
We also count with the contributions from Guillermina Natera Rey presenting a program addressed to the family members of alcohol and other substances users.
12/04/2017 – INEBRIA scholarships for the participation in the NY INEBRIA Conference
We are pleased to announce the call for scholarships for the participation in the NY INEBRIA conference. 5 scholarships are available, candidates should fill in the attached form and return it to inebria@gencat.cat before the 30th of April and submit an abstract to the NY conference before the 21st of April (note that submission deadline closes on the 15th of April but it has been expanded only to allow scholarship candidates to submit their abstracts).
The application process for INEBRIA scholarships will be done entirely in English and by e-mail. It is important to include all the necessary information when you submit your application otherwise applications will be not accepted.
Eligible applicants are any candidate from these countries with genuine interest in expanding EIBI in their countries. Candidates, if not members yet, will have to fulfil criteria to become INEBRIA members (see membership form) in order to be awarded.
Forms received will be reviewed independently by three members of the Coordinating Committee and the decision will be made having into account mainly the quality of the abstract and the reasoning provided by the candidate.
List of scholarship holders will be announced in May 2017. Awarded candidates will be notified individually by e-mail.
31/03/2017 – Survey on eHealth in Primary Health Care – an initiative of the e-INEBRIA Special Interest Group
The e-Inebria SIG (Special Interest Group) is exploring the potential role of electronic Health (e-Health) in the management of alcohol in primary health-care. Applications of eHealth are supposed to cope with certain barriers that hinder alcohol prevention in primary care, such as lack of time, lack of education about alcohol counseling and lack of financial reimbursement.
This is a joint initiative of INEBRIA, Maastricht University, and Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, that aims to explore knowledge, views and expectations towards providing eHealth in Primary Health Care to patients with alcohol problems.
We would very much appreciate your participation in this study by responding the following questionnaire.
Your answers will be processed anonymously and participation is completely voluntary. Thank you very much for your participation
29/03/2017 2nd INEBRIA thematic meeting. Bangalore, 6th April, 2017 – PROGRAM
The second Inebria thematic meeting will take place in Bangalore (India) on Thursday 6th April 2017 under the title “Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol problems”.
The meeting is organised by Centre for Addiction Medicine and Centre for Public Health at the National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, in collaboration with INEBRIA and the Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet.
Final program is already available
Please remember that the meeting will take place from 11:30 am to 8 pm, Bangalore time and can be followed on-line by installing the program “zoom”. Please follow these instructions on how to join the meeting. In order to calculate the time difference click here.
24/03/2017 The deadline for 2017 INEBRIA conference abstract submission has been extended until April 15th
We are now accepting abstract, workshop, and symposium submissions for the INEBRIA conference in New York City, September 14-15, 2017!
- Submission forms and instructions are on the conference website: www.med.nyu.edu/cme/INEBRIA
- The closing date for submissions is NOW April 15.
Registration is open!
- Register on the conference website: www.med.nyu.edu/cme/INEBRIA
- Preliminary program is posted
- Information on hotels and the conference dinner are on the site – more details to come
Contact for more information: INEBRIA2017@nyumc.org
Hosted by New York University School of Medicine, Department of Population Health
23/03/2017 2nd INEBRIA thematic meeting. Bangalore, 6th April, 2017
The second Inebria thematic meeting will take place in Bangalore (India) on Thursday 6th April 2017 under the title “Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol problems in Primary Care”.
The meeting is organised by Centre for Addiction Medicine and Centre for Public Health at the National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, in collaboration with INEBRIA and the Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet.
During the meeting several topics will be covered (final program will be soon available):
- Overview screening and brief intervention for alcohol (SBI)
- Overview of alcohol related problems in India
- International experiences of SBI in Catalonia (Spain) and Sweden.
- Community experiences in India
- Approaches to training on SBI and managing alcohol dependence in community care
- SBI in special situations: occupational health and NCD and alcohol
- Final discussion topics:
- Integrating SBI for alcohol use in NCD programs
- Screening and Brief Intervention for alcohol use: way forward in the Indian context
The meeting will take place from 11:30 am to 8 pm, Bangalore time and can be followed on-line by installing the program “zoom”. Please follow these instructions on how to join the meeting. In order to calculate the time difference click here.
21/02/2017 -NY INEBRIA Conference: Abstract submission is now open
You can now submit abstracts for the INEBRIA conference in New York. You will find the submission forms and instructions on the conference website.
Submission forms and instructions are on the conference website: www.med.nyu.edu/cme/INEBRIA
The deadline for abstract submissions is April 1st, 2017.
15/12/2016 – Launch of INEBRIA 2017 NY Conference website
In this website you will find in the coming weeks all the information you might need regarding the NY Conference.
The registration and the abstract submission will be soon available. We will keep you informed.
For more information you can contact to INEBRIA2017@nyumc.org
05/12/2016 New boletin of INEBRIA Latina
A new boletin of INEBRIA Latina has been launched with contributions from Nichole Mundo-Bruno and Dr. Julimar Sáez-Colón from Puerto Rico regarding the programs to approach the alcohol consumption in Puerto Rico, and from a group of experts from Mexico presenting the barriers in implementing brief intervention. This time, we have the collaboration of Dr. Marcela Tiburcio regarding the editorial.
9/10/2016 Slides and abstracts 13th Inebria conference, Lausanne
The past Inebria conference in Lausanne has been a great success with 166 participants attending from 21 different countries from all over the world. The slides and abstracts from the conference will be soon available in the Inebria website.
Remember to save the date for the forthcoming conference that will take place in New York, NY USA, September 14-15, 2017. More information here
4/07/2016 The 14th annual meeting of INEBRIA with the title “Screening and brief intervention at the intersection of research, policy and practice: Advancing knowledge and meeting new challenges” will take place in New York, NY USA, September 13-15, 2017.
The meeting will be hosted by the New York University School of Medicine, Department of Population Health and it will take place at the NYU Kimmel Center, Rosenthal Pavilion 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10010.
20/06/2016 Slides and audios from the presentations
at the INEBRIA Thematic Meeting “Rethinking alcohol interventions in health care” that took place the past 27th of May, 2016 in Stockholm (Sweden) are already availalble at: http://riddargatan1.se/inebria
30/05/2016 -The early bird registration deadline for the 13th Inebria Conference
“The challenge of complexity: updating models and practices” has been extended to the 17th June. The conference will take place in Lausanne on 22nd and 23rd September.
All the information on registration and booking of accommodations is available at: www.inebria2016.ch.
26/04/2016 – New boletin of INEBRIA Latina and survey
A new boletin of INEBRIA Latina has been launched with contributions from Dr. Maristela Monteiro Dr. Angélica María Claro from Colombia, and from Dr. Silvia Morales and Dr. Nadia Robles from Mexico.
31/03/2016 – Annual Conference Update, Lausanne 2016
We would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended until April 30th, 2016. In order to submit abstracts please use the forms available at: http://inebria2016.ch/submission/
22/03/2016 – Annual Conference Update, Lausanne 2016
The 13th Annual Conference of INEBRIA will take place in Lausanne Switzerland on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd September 2016 with the theme of “The challenge of complexity: updating models and practice”. See also pre-conference workshop information below.
The meeting will provide a forum to showcase what has always been one of INEBRIA’s greatest strengths: researching and summarizing recent advances and scientific evidence for Screening and brief interventions (SBI).
There will be a focus on innovative methods that take the intricacy of SBI into account: combinations of delivery modes, new models and theoretical approaches; current information technologies; unique settings and target populations; and some “outside the box” thinking strategies.
Plenary speakers will include:
- Gail D’Onofrio, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, USA
- Eileen Kaner, Professor of Public Health & Primary Care Research, Newcastle University, UK
- John Cunningham, Professor, National Institute for Mental Health Research, The Australian National University
- Steve Rollnick, Professor, co-founder of Motivational Interviewing, Cardiff, UK
Venue: Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
Registration and information: www.inebria2016.ch
Deadline for abstract submissions: April 1st, 2016
22/03/2016 – Lausanne, 2016 – Pre-Conference Workshops
Two pre-conference workshops are available on Wednesday September 21st – the day before the start of the INEBRIA 2016 conference:
- A 1-day workshop for health care practitioners: Brief Motivational Interviewing In Healthcare (9AM-5PM) providing an overview of and introduction to motivational interviewing and its potential for use in everyday healthcare settings. Separate registration: 180,- CHF (includes lunch and coffee/tea breaks). For more information: Tania.javaux@chuv.ch
- A 2-hour workshop for researchers: Studying brief interventions mechanisms – Moderation, mediation, and moderated mediation analyses (3-5PM). Participants will learn how to design a conceptual framework of intervention potential mechanisms, and how to test these by running moderation, mediation, and/or moderated mediation analyses. This workshop is intended for a non-statistician audience. Participation is free for INEBRIA 2016 attendees but registration is mandatory. To register, please email inebria2016@chuv.ch. For more information: Jacques.Gaume@chuv.ch
22/03/2016 – Annual Conference 2015 – Atlanta Conference Summary
Approximately 175 participants participated in the 12th INEBRIA conference, which took place in Atlanta on 24th and 25th of September 2015.
A total of 106 abstracts were submitted of which 45 were accepted as oral presentations and 28 as posters. Most of the presentations from the conference are now available here :
Four plenary sessions were held on: SBI for reducing alcohol-exposed pregnancies; Adolescent SBI for alcohol and drugs; SBI implementation in large healthcare systems; and brief interventions for unhealthy drug use.
During the INEBRIA Annual General Meeting, 28 new members were accepted into INEBRIA bringing the official membership to 579 researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders.
12/02/2016 – INEBRIA Thematic Meeting in Stockholm (Sweden) on the 27th of May with the title “Rethinking alcohol interventions in health care”
The meeting is organized by INEBRIA in collaboration with Karolinska institutet, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish Society of Medicine and Systembolaget, the Swedish Alcohol Retail Monopoly.
This one day meeting will discuss the following issues:
- Does the SBIRT concept work?
- Can heavy drinking/alcohol dependence be managed in general health care?
- The stigma of alcohol problems and alcohol treatment: is treatment in general health care less stigmatizing?
- Dependence: Is the dependence concept useful? Or would SBI work better if we talked about Heavy use over time instead?
- How can we use research to improve treatment and care of patients; reflections from practitioners in Sweden.
See attached the preliminary agenda.
The meeting will be hold in the facilities of the Swedish Society of Medicine in Stockholm (Sweden) and the registration fee will be of 1250 Kr (around 130 euros).
More logistical information will be available soon.
15/01/2016 – Launch of INEBRIA 2016 Conference: registration and submission of abstracts open
All the information you need is available at: www.inebria2016.ch
- Reduced fees by applying for membership before the 2016 conference. Register Now
- Please submit the abstract for your proposed contribution (oral presentation, poster or symposia) using this on-line form before the 1st of April.For more information: inebria2016@chuv.ch
24/09/2015 – The supplement “INEBRIA 12th Congress” has been published today.
The full content of the supplement can be found at http://www.ascpjournal.org/supplements/10/S2.
The meeting program will provide a forum to showcase what has always been one of INEBRIA’s greatest strengths: researching and summarizing recent advances and scientific evidence for SBI. The meeting will provide an opportunity to further examine, develop, and implement SBI for unhealthy substance use. We would like the Lausanne meeting to focus on innovative methods that take the intricacy of SBI into account and integrate combinations of delivery modes, new models and theoretical approaches that delineate intervention content, by using current information technologies, unique settings and target populations (such as SBI in the context of harm reduction within vulnerable populations), and some “outside the box” thinking strategies.
Venue: Lausanne University Hospital – Switzerland
Organizing committee:
Nicolas Bertholet, MD, MSc
Jean-Bernard Daeppen, MD
Ruth Borloz, MA
Contact: inebria2016@chuv.ch
– Conference brochure
– How to get to Lausanne
24.07.2015 Junior Investigator Travel Award Program – Call for travel award application – INEBRIA 2015
Special travel awards (up to 13) of $1,250 funded by NIAAA and NIDA will be awarded to qualified junior investigators for attendance at the INEBRIA 2015 annual conference on September 24-25, 2015. Up to 5 additional travel awards from an additional funder of $1,500 each will be awarded to qualified junior investigators for attendance at both the INEBRIA 2015 conference (September 24-25, 2015) and the Preconference Workshop on Interprofessional Involvement in Screening and Brief Intervention, taking place Wednesday, September 23, 2015.
Have a look at this document for eligibility criteria and application procedures. For more information please contact murray.shannon@navicenthealth.org
21/05/ 2015 – Nick Heather Lecture 2015
Dr. Richard Saitz, Chair and Professor of Community Health Sciences at Boston University (BU) School of Public Health, and Professor of Medicine at BU School of Medicine, will deliver the 2015 Nick Heather Lecture at the INEBRIA conference in Atlanta. Dr. Saitz’ primary areas of expertise and research are screening and brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol and other drug use, integrating substance-related and general health care and improving the quality of care for people with addictions across the spectrum of use, particularly in general medical care settings. He has received numerous honours including the Research Society on Alcoholism Distinguished Scientist Award.
Dr. Saitz will discuss the “State of the Science Regarding Screening and Brief Intervention for Drugs.” In this talk, he will review the literature with consideration of how to best interpret the latest findings and an eye towards implications for practice and research.
18/05/ 2015 – UK Alcohol Brief Interventions Webinar – May 26th, 2015
The cross UK evidence sharing project Evidence Exchange is hosting a webinar – Alcohol Brief Interventions: “Have A Word” – on May 26, 2015 – 15:00 BST
The webinar will offer an opportunity for evidence exchange between UK-based practitioners, working in health and community settings, around alcohol brief interventions. The webinar will open with a presentation from a practitioner experienced in delivering the “Have A Word” programme in Wales. “Have a Word” has trained over 7000 people – including youth workers, pharmacists, police officers and community leaders as well as a range of health workers. The presentation will outline how the Have a Word campaign has worked in practice; the experience of training people beyond health settings; the initial evidence on the programme’s impact; and plans for further evaluation. To register for free visit:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8206168016671887105
18/05/ 2015 – Alcohol Policy in Practice, Postgraduate CPD Course, 1st – 4th September 2015, Sheffield, UK (see flyer)
The second annual Alcohol Policy in Practice course run by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (www.ukctas.net) is now ready to take applicants. The course, which sold out in 2014, offers excellent, current and robust learning about issues in alcohol policy and practice, and a unique opportunity to network with leading academics and policy-makers in this field. Feedback from 2014 participants was exceptionally positive: “Thank you for a really fantastic course…All aspects of the course (delivery, venue, timekeeping, content) have been excellent.” To find out more about the course visit: http://ukctas.net/Alcohol-CPD.html or see this flyer. The deadline for early bird fees is 15th June 2015.
24/04/2015 – The call for abstract deadline has been extended until the 15th of May, 2015.
Please submit your abstract using this form and these instructions.
Registration is also open. Please visit the conference website for more information on registering and booking accommodation. |
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15/04/2015 – 2016 INEBRIA Conference
We are glad to announce that the 13th INEBRIA Conference will take place the 22-23rd September 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
22/02/2015 – INEBRIA position on the alcohol industry
The INEBRIA position statement on the alcohol industry and the revision document are already posted at the “member section”.
06/02/2015 – The 12th Annual Conference of INEBRIA will take place in Atlanta, GA, USA, September 24-25, 2015.
This year’s theme is Interprofessional Involvement in Screening and Brief Intervention. Please plan to join us for a pre-conference workshop on September 23, 2015, where we will examine Policy and Practice of SBI Interprofessional Involvement. Highlights of the conference include:
- A stimulating, eclectic gathering of researchers, educators and practitioners from various fields such as nursing, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, medicine, and many other professions who are joining in the important interprofessional work of screening and brief intervention.
- An outstanding line-up of international plenary speakers including Drs. Antoni Gual (Catalonia), Preben Bendtsen (Sweden), Eileen Kaner & Jim McCambridge (UK), John Knight & Katharine Bradley (US)
- A social dinner Thursday evening at the distinguished Carter Center, founded by former US President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. The Carter Center exists to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health.
- The annual Heather Lecture, delivered by Rich Saitz (USA), which will review emerging RCT results to summarize the “state of the science” on screening and brief intervention for unhealthy drug use
- An enjoyable venue in the lively Buckhead area of Atlanta.
The call for abstract is now open until 30th of April. Please submit your abstracts using this form and these instructions.
All the information about the conference, including registration and booking of accommodation, is available at 12th INEBRIA Conference website.
24/11/2014 – Upcoming Alcohol & Other Drug Conferences
15/10/2014 – Summary of Warsaw conference
Approximately 114 participants participated in the 11th INEBRIA conference, which took place in Warsaw on 18th and 19th of September.
A total of 79 abstracts were submitted of which 45 were accepted as oral presentations and 19 as posters. Most of the presentations from the conference are now available here. Four plenary sessions were held on interpreting null findings from brief intervention trials, SBI for college student drinking, internet alcohol interventions and mechanisms of action of brief alcohol interventions.
During the INEBRIA Annual General Meeting, 41 new members were accepted into INEBRIA bringing the official membership to 549 researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders from 40 different countries.
The next INEBRIA conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia on 23rd to 25th September 2015, with a pre-conference workshop on 23rd September. The conference will cover a wide range of SBI topics as usual, while also covering the theme of interprofessional involvement in screening and brief intervention. More details here.
July/August 2014 – 2014 – INEBRIA Conference Warsaw 17-19th September: Programme News
The programme for Warsaw 2014 will shortly be available. As well as the plenary speakers highlighted already, it will include:
- Oral presentations: screening tools, adolescents, electronic brief interventions, integration into health policy and practice, different settings
- Workshops: brief motivational interventions, randomised controlled trial design; developing evidence-based recommendations for practice from the BISTAIRS project.
- Symposia: Screening and Brief Intervention across Settings, Patient Populations, and Providers and Implementing Brief Interventions (BI) in Primary Health Care (PHC) settings: Evidence from the ODHIN Project.
July/August 2014 – 2014 – #UKAlcohol Twitter Discussion on Alcohol Brief Interventions
The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies will host the second #UKAlcohol twitter discussion on the topic of alcohol brief interventions at 20.00 BST (19.00 GMT; 3pm/15.00 EDT) on Wednesday 13th August 2014. Anyone can join in, please use the hashtag #UKAlcohol or follow @ukctas. More details here.
July/August 2014 – 2014 – New Discussion on Addressing Alcohol Problems in Primary Care
An article we highlighted previously “Should brief interventions in primary care address alcohol problems more strongly?” has generated an interesting series of responses in the journal Addiction:
- The two forms of alcohol brief intervention: an uneasy coalition. Nick Heather
- Lost in translation: The perils of implementing alcohol brief intervention when there are gaps in evidence and its interpretation. Richard Saitz
- Motivational interventions may have greater sustained impact if they trained imagery-based self-management. David J. Kavanagh, Jackie Andrade, Jon May and Jason P. Connor
The authors, Jim McCambridge and Stephen Rollnick have also responded to the issues raised in a commentary entitled: Big issues.
July/August 2014 – INEBRIA to join ICARA Meeting 2014
Richard Saitz, Maristela Monteiro and Niamh Fitzgerald will represent INEBRIA at a meeting of the International Confederation of Alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) Research Associations (ICARA), September 4-5, 2014. ICARA is an organization for mutual collaboration for ATOD research associations. It aims to promote, support and enhance ATOD science locally and globally, by facilitating collaboration and exchange of information between and the development of ATOD societies especially in low or middle income countries and in countries with emerging ATOD problems as well as supporting scientific knowledge, integrity and ethics and advocacy in the use of evidence in policy and practice. The meeting will focus on ethics, conflict of interests, open access publication, co-operation between member organisations and development of ICARA.
13/06/2014 – Prof. Mary Larimer to deliver 2014 Nick Heather Lecture in Warsaw
The Annual Nick Heather Lecture for 2014 will be delivered by Mary Larimer, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Director, Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors, University of Washington. Prof. Larimer’s research interests have covered prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug problems among adolescents and young adults (with a particular focus on college drinking prevention), initiation of drinking, co-morbidity, housing and treatment programs, and dissemination of evidence-based prevention and treatment approaches into clinical, school, and work-site settings.
15/05/2014 – Do you have a notice that may be of interest to INEBRIA members?
Remember you can post notices/news on the INEBRIA Google discussion group or to if you want to make them available to a wider audience, please send updates for the website to Niamh Fitzgerald..
15/05/2014 -2014 INEBRIA Conference – Plenary speakers confirmed include:
- Jacques Gaume, Head of Research, Department of Community Health and Medicine, University Hospital of Lausanne
- Molly Magill, Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University
- Nick Heather, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University
- Preben Bendsen, Professor, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University
- Sven Andreasson, Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
15/05/2014 – Upcoming Conferences List for INEBRIA Members Updated
Details of 2 new conferences added, plus link to presentations from previous conferences on the list where available. Available for download here.
15/05/2014 – New Course: Alcohol Policy in Practice, Sept 22nd-25th 2014, Edinburgh
The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (a partnership of 13 universities working in this field) is running an intensive 4-day training course on alcohol policy and practice in Edinburgh, Scotland in September 2014. The course features inputs from Sir Ian Gilmore; the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group and other leading figures from UKCTAS institutions and partner organisations. The course is open to all, further details are available from this flyer.
15/04/2014 – Abstract submission deadline for the 11th INEBRIA Conference has been extended until 15th of May.
Abstracts on any aspects of screening and brief interventions for alcohol and other drugs use are welcomed.
Three types of abstracts will be considered (300 word limit—see submission form):
1) Research
2) Program (clinical or educational) evaluation
3) Workshops or experiential or theory-based/generating
For more information, please read the instructions carefully. Use this template to submit your abstract.
For questions on abstract submission: inebria@gencat.cat
11/04/2014 – 2nd meeting of the Pan-American Network on Alcohol and Public Health.
From 9th to 11th April, 2014, the second meeting of the Pan-American Network on Alcohol and Public Health (PANNAPH), was held in Cartagena, Colombia, organized by the PAHO/WHO. At this meeting, Dr. Joan Colom, member of the INEBRIA CC, presented the network and the INEBRIA Latina and urged all representatives to promote participation among the professionals in their countries. This action falls within the framework of INEBRIA’s desire to expand to all regions of the world.
24/02/2014 – 11th INEBRIA Conference, Warsaw, 18th-19th Sept, 2014.
The conference is organized collaboratively between the State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems (PARPA) and the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM) with the suport of the INEBRIA Secretariat. It will take place in the Medical Faculty facilities.
In the conference website, www.inebria.pl you can find all the relevant information, including everything you might need to register and to submit abstracts.
For questions on registration and accommodation: inebria2014@parpa.pl
For questions on abstract submission: Inebria@gencat.cat
7/02/2014 – Alcohol/Drug Conferences 2014
INEBRIA has compiled a list of conferences which are coming up in 2014 which may be of interest to INEBRIA members. Please contact Niamh Fitzgerald if any are missing as the list can be updated regularly. If you are organising one of the conferences listed and would like to edit your entry (within reason) please also get in touch.
22/01/2014 – Recent Papers on Brief Interventions
INEBRIA hosts a database of relevant research papers that is updated every fortnight and free to access. The following is a selection of papers that have been published in the last few months. The database is much more comprehensive however if you wish to highlight an important paper that is missing, please contact Niamh.
- History of Brief Interventions:
– McCambridge, J. & Cunningham, J.A., 2013. The early history of ideas on brief interventions for alcohol. Addiction. - Mechanisms of Action of Brief Interventions:
– Original article: Bertholet, N. et al., 2013. Do Brief Alcohol Motivational Interventions Work Like We Think They Do Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.
– Commentary on Bertholet et al: Heather, N., 2014. Toward an Understanding of the Effective Mechanisms of Alcohol Brief Interventions. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. - Brief Interventions in Primary Care:
– McCambridge, J., & Rollnick, S. (2013). Should brief interventions in primary care address alcohol problems more strongly? Addiction
– O’Donnell, A. et al., 2014. The impact of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare: a systematic review of reviews. Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 49(1), pp.66-78. - ABI in Novel Settings: – Criminal Justice: Chariot, P. et al., 2014. Alcohol and substance screening and brief intervention for detainees kept in police custody. A feasibility study.Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134, pp.235-241.
– Antenatal Care: Van der Wulp, N.Y., Hoving, C. & de Vries, H., 2014. Dutch midwives’ experiences with implementing health counselling to prevent prenatal alcohol use. Journal of clinical nursing.
20/01/2014 – Happy New Year from INEBRIA
On behalf of your committee, we would like to wish all INEBRIA members a happy and successful 2014. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at our 11th Annual Conference in Warsaw Poland (18th/19th September 2014)
The INEBRIA Co-Ordinating Committee is:
- President: Jim McCambridge, UK
- Vice-President: Antoni Gual, Catalonia/Spain
- Secretary: Lidia Segura, Catalonia/Spain
- Treasurer: Joan Colom, Catalonia/Spain
- Dag Rekve,WHO
- Jean-Bernard Daeppen, Switzerland
- Maristela Monteiro, PAHO
- Richard Saitz, USA
- Niamh Fitzgerald, Scotland/UK
Special invitation from ASCP to INEBRIA 2013 presenters
Remember that the deadline for submission of papers to Addiction Science & Clinical Practice (up to 10), with author fees waived if accepted, is December 15th. This is a very special invitation and opportunity! Please read carefully this flyer for more information.
Will it work on a wet Wednesday in Wigan?
A rapid report on the 2013 INEBRIA Conference Plenary entitled “Implementation Research and Screening and Brief Intervention: Challenges and Opportunities” is now available for download. Access each presentation where available by clicking on the presenters name.
Bob Huebner from the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism chaired this session which featured four speakers and a discussant from the US. Connie Weisner discussed how healthcare organisation, delivery, payment and insurance systems can greatly impact on SBI. Constance Horgan discussed the potential of financial incentive systems known as ‘Pay for Performance’ which are used to drive preventive activities in many countries but little used for SBI. Peter Anderson reviewed the SBI literature and was optimistic about the potential for SBI to reduce heavy drinking and mortality. Antoni Gual outlined some preliminary results from the Catalan strand of the multi-country ODHIN implementation study suggesting that financial incentives can result in small increases in alcohol screening rates. Finally, Richard Saitz outlined gaps in current evidence about implementation and effectiveness of SBI in practice, and called for ‘disruptive innovation’ in SBI implementation efforts.
INEBRIA and the alcohol industry
The Co-ordinating Committee (CC) has been considering the relationship between the alcohol industry and INEBRIA (and brief interventions more broadly). The alcohol industry is spending more money on brief interventions globally and this has engendered a range of concerns, in the context of other actions being taken by the global alcohol industry. These include whether industry funded work should be acceptable at INEBRIA conferences and whether support for brief interventions is being used as a means to obstruct evidence based alcohol policies, as appears to be the case in Scotland.
Following a consultation at the recent conference in Rome, the CC has decided to establish an independent working group to carefully consider the issues in this area. All members interested in participating in the working group should indicate so by contacting INEBRIA Secretariat, no later than November 8th. More information and the terms of reference of the working group will be provided.
INEBRIA 2013: Conference & AGM Update
- Approximately 120 participants from 22 countries participated in the 10th INEBRIA conference, which took place in Rome on the 19th and 20th of September.
- A total of 106 abstracts were submitted of which 59 were accepted as oral presentations and 39 as posters. Presentations from the conference are now available here. Four plenary sessions were held including presentations from WHO representatives: Maristela Monteiro from PAHO and Lars Möller from WHO-Euro.
- During the INEBRIA Annual General Meeting, 95 new members were accepted into INEBRIA bringing the official membership to 511 researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders from 39 different countries.
- The next INEBRIA conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland from the 18th to 19th of September, 2014. The theme is “Brief Interventions: Recent Advances and New Applications“
Conference Highlights: Inaugural Nick Heather Lecture: The Efficacy-Effectiveness Distinction If you missed the Inaugural Nick Heather Lecture: The Efficacy-Effectiveness Distinction in Trials Of Alcohol Brief Interventions at the recent INEBRIA conference, you can download an expanded summary and conclusions here. Delivering the inaugural lecture, Prof. Nick Heather discussed the terminology, ideal phases of development of trial research in health promotion, and the history of SBI research including the extent to which trials of alcohol SBI can be considered efficacy or effectiveness trials.
ICBM 2014: CALL FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION IS OPEN INEBRIA is co-sponsoring the addictive behaviors track of the biennial meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Medicine, to be held in Groningen in the north of the Netherlands in August 2014. We are keen to see content on all issues relating to brief interventions and intend organising symposia in addition to receiving individual abstracts. If you are interested in presenting brief interventions research at this meeting and may be interested in participating in symposia, please send an expression of interest to Anne Berman at the address below, not later than November 30th. Please note this is in advance of, and separate from, the January 15th 2014 deadline for abstract submission. For more information and instructions have a look at the ICBM website
The 10th INEBRIA conference took place in Rome, Italy on 19th and 20th September, and was an inspiring and interesting event. Attended by an international audience of researchers and professionals, the conference heard plenary presentations on implementation issues relating to screening and brief interventions (SBI) as well as the inaugural Nick Heather Lecture – delivered by Nick Heather. There were 11 parallel symposia as well as a poster session and the INEBRIA annual general meeting. The conference venue and host city provided an impressive backdrop to a very successful event. More detail on key presentations as well as other news will appear here shortly, and presentations will be made available to INEBRIA members. You are also strongly encouraged to access theINEBRIA Google Group for more regular, and dynamic discussions about SBI for alcohol and other drugs.
The 2014 INEBRIA conference will take place in Warsaw (Poland) on the 18th-19th of September, 2014.
Do not forget to register!
of the 10th INEBRIA Conference is already available.
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until the 15th of May.
More information: 10th Annual Conference of INEBRIA
10th Annual Conference of INEBRIA
You can now register and submit abstracts for the next INEBRIA conference in Rome, Italy |
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Deadline for Early Bird Registration: May 31st, 2013Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 30th, 2013
New Discussions on the Google Group
The INEBRIA Google discussion group has been very active recently with members from around the world contributing to lively debates including:
- Could brief interventions cause harm? What if they are done badly, or at the wrong time, or by the wrong practitioner?
- What works best in electronic/web-based guidance for doctors in delivering BIs? Advice and contacts from very experienced commentators.
Click on the above link to view the discussions or to register.
New BI Publications
- A protocol for an RCT of BI in community pharmacy has been published.
- An RCT of web-based BI in Maori university students.
- A study of BI in HIV positive primary care patients showing efficacy in dependence but not heavy drinking.
These studies are discussed on the Google group which also has information on a number of other studies via postings from the Effectiveness bank.
New Peer-Reviewed Publication: Results of the Multi-Million SIPS Primary Care Trial in England in BMJ.
There has been considerable discussion in SBI circles of the SIPS Study, a £4 million study applying brief intervention approaches in three key settings. The primary care results have just been published in the BMJ. In addition to the BMJ article, you can read considerable discussion of this on the BMJ website, on the INEBRIA Google Group (if you’re interested in SBI, you should definitely check this out) and on the Alcohol IBA blog. You can also read a simplified form in the Findings bulletin.
New Book: Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care just published January 2013.
A new book edited and contributed to by INEBRIA members has been released to help practicing physicians to address alcohol issues. With specific focus on brief assessment, comorbidity, confidentiality, implementation, making referrals, alcohol and pain, talking about lower risk drinking… and much more, it gathers all of this information together in one place. It will be very helpful for those seeking to deliver or support delivery of SBI in primary care settings.
You can access the book via this link (including as an e-book available for immediate download).
Upcoming Event: Motivational Interviewing Worshop from Miller & Rollnick:
A rare opportunity to learn about MI from its co-founders via a 2-day workshop:
Dates: Mon 22nd & Tues 23rd July 2013
Lead trainers: William R. Miller, Albuquerque, New Mexico & Stephen Rollnick, Cardiff, Wales
Venue: Swalec Stadium, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Professor Miller is returning to Cardiff after a successful workshop in 2012. This will be of interest to both to newcomers and those more familiar with MI. A streaming system will be used to ensure that those relatively new to MI will get good opportunity to practice basic skills. It will provide:
- Clarification about the common and unique elements of MI
- A focus on client change language and how it guides the practice of MI
- An update on theory and research
- The presentation of a new 4-process framework for MI that allows for easier integration in diverse settings
- Opportunity to practice core skills for evoking motivation to change.
For further information and to register (cost=£350 GBP), please have a look a the flyer or click on this link
Other information : Alcohol Policy in Europe: Evidence from AMPHORA,
- The e-bookgives an overview of the findings of each study carried out under the AMPHORA Project (Alcohol Public Health Research Alliance), with chapters written by the scientists responsible for the research.
- AMPHORA Manifesto and video which summarises the key messages and recommendations coming out of the, coordinated by the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, and co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.
- Press release presented at the AMPHORA conference that took place from the 17-19th of October 2012 in Stockholm that highlights the risk for cancer posed by alcohol as consumed at the current average level in Europe.Please feel free to disseminate this material (the manifesto, video and press release) which can be seen at:www.amphoraproject.net widely amongst your networks.
The INEBRIA coordinating committee, in absence of Nick Heather and in order to honour him when retiring as president, has decided to create the Nick Heather Lecture that will take place in all the conferences from now on. Read more…
The next Conference of INEBRIA will take place in Rome on the 18-20th September 2013.
More than 120 participants from 20 different countries attended the Barcelona conference. There were 18 parallel sessions, 4 plenary sessions, a total of 66 oral presentations and 28 posters. We are now working on uploading the presentations at the conference website.
The kick off meeting of the BISTAIRS project on Good practice on brief interventions to address alcohol use disorders in primary health care, workplace health services, emergency care and social services took place in Newcastle on 14th and 15th of May, 2012.
Telmo Ronzani from the Center for Research, Intervention and Evaluation for Alcohol & Drugs – (CREPEIA)
Department of Psychology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora has taken over the leadership of the Inebria Latina since beginning of this year. Some information for latinamerican professionals is already available at the University website.
Telmo Ronzani from the Center for Research, Intervention and Evaluation for Alcohol & Drugs – (CREPEIA)
Department of Psychology, Federal University of Juiz de Forahas taken over the leadership of the Inebria Latina since beginning of this year. Some information for latinamerican professionals is already available at the University website.
From Clinical practice to Public Health: The two dimensions of Brief Interventions
Barcelona, 27th – 28th September 2012
Please submit the abstract for your proposed contribution (oral presentation, poster or symposia) using this on-line formbefore the 15th of May.
On Tuesday 27th March 2012 Edinburgh Cyrenians, in association with INEBRIA and other institutions, will be holding a one day conference at Murrayfield Stadium: Can Brief Interventions change Scotland’s relationship with alcohol? Developing the model for community settings. You can find the provisional schedule and booking form and visit the website for more information.
The conference will feature international speakers from INEBRIA as well as local academics and practitioners. It will be discussed the evidence base for brief interventions in non-healthcare settings and debate whether more evidence is required before introducing the model to diverse settings and client groups. Should the traditional model of ABI be adapted for community settings? What are the challenges of implementation with vulnerable groups and young people? And how can projects measure the impact of alcohol brief interventions and contribute to the evidence base?
Can Brief Interventions change Scotland’s relationship with alcohol? Developing the model for community settings will offer practical support on introducing alcohol brief interventions to new settings and provide opportunities to discuss and share experiences in workshop sessions. It will be of particular interest to the public and voluntary sector, ADPs, policy makers, commissioners, researchers and anyone with an interest in innovative, robust approaches to brief intervention delivery, whether in Scotland or further afield.
For more information please contact jenny@cyrenians.org.uk 0131 475 2354
All the information related with the 9th INEBRIA Conference is alredy available in our website and the flyer. By mid of February you will also find all on registration and call for abstract.
The Inebria Bulletin nº6 is already available. It includes information on the next Conference in Boston, which will take place on the 22-23rd of September 2011,conclusions from a debate about appropriate EIBI terminology, a digest from 2010 conference onevidence and experience of delivering brief interventions in the pharmacy setting and some relevant announcements in the members sections. Please contact us at inebria@gencat.cat if you would like to contribute or volunteer to edit future editions. The bulletins are also available at the Inebria website.
Update of members’ contact details (communication only for members)
The Secretariat has been facing some difficulties regarding the management of the members’ database. Due to the frequent changes of some of the details (institution, e-mail addresses), communication has been a bit complicated. For this reason, we would like members to help us to update the data by giving us the new details, if they have changed, in this on-line form. Please also use thisform if you would like us to remove your details from the INEBRIA website; please provide your name and last name and then tick the relevant box. Please do this before the end of June. If you do not provide any information during this period, we will assume that your details have not changed and that you give us permission to publish them (first and last name, institution, country and e-mail address) as they appear on the website.
The EU Project: “Standardized measurement of alcohol-related troubles” (SMART) was completed in October 2010. One of the project objectives was “to develop standardized comparative survey methodologies on heavy drinking, binge drinking (episodic heavy drinking), drunkenness, context of drinking, alcohol dependence and unrecorded consumption”.The methodology developed on the basis of European surveys review was tested in 10 countries with differentiated socio-cultural background and patterns of alcohol consumption (Italy, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, UK).
The final product of the project is “Guidance document of standardized methodology for undertaking alcohol surveys” including model questionnaire with core and optional questions to be used not only for specific alcohol studies but also as a component of surveys focused on other topics like drug use, health issues or public order problems.
This document among other project documents is available on the website www.alcsmart.ipin.edu.pl.
To submit an abstract, workshop or symposium go to: www.inebriaboston.org or www.bumc.bu.edu/care/inebria/
For more information contact: info@inebriaboston.org
The conference “Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Community Pharmacy” will take place on the 7th April 2011, at King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford St, London SE1 9NH London, UK. Potential delegates should confirm their attendance to Ranjita Dhital (ranjita.dhital@kcl.ac.uk) by email by 21st March 2011. Please note this is a free event. At the conference it is planned to explore how community pharmacists may best deliver alcohol SBI in their pharmacies. Organizers hope that the findings presented in the conference will help inform future pharmacy practice and research in this exciting new area. In the invitation flyer you will find more information.
Please read more about the NHS Lambeth pharmacy alcohol SBI project that will be presented during the conference.
The target areas to be addressed in the review are listed below.
- School-based alcohol education
- Health services’ clinical and advocacy responses: counselling for hazardous and harmful alcohol use; brief interventions with at-risk drinkers
- Community mobilization for action to reduce problems and support victims: social marketing; raising awareness and support for policies; voluntary codes of bar practice; work-place interventions
- Drink-driving policies and countermeasures for deterrence and the development of measures to create a healthy driving environment: lowered BAC limits; sobriety checkpoints; random breath testing; graduated licensing
- Regulate the public and commercial availability of alcohol: physical availability of alcohol (hours and days of sale, density of outlets, etc.); age restrictions; ban on sales; rationing; government monopoly of retail sales
- Reducing the impact of marketing of alcoholic beverages, especially targeted to youth. To include: legal restrictions on exposure/ content and alcohol industry’s self-regulation codes.
- Pricing policies to reduce underage drinking and to halt progression towards drinking large volumes of alcohol or episodes of heavy drinking, and to influence consumers’ preferences: alcohol taxes; bans on price discounts and promotions; differential pricing.
- Harm reduction approaches addressing the negative consequences of drinking and alcohol intoxication: training in responsible beverage service; training to better manage aggression; enhanced enforcement of on-premises laws
- Reducing the public health impact of illegal/ unrecorded/ informal alcohol through quality control, inspection and taxation
- Miscellaneous measures (e.g., mass media campaigns, warning labels, etc.).
The group working on the review include Thomas F. Babor, Eileen Kaner, Per Nilsen and Kate Robaina. Once again, please communicate any information, suggestions, electronic attachments, etc. directly to the alcohol policy review coordinator, Thomas Babor (babor@nso.uchc.edu).
27/01/2011The outputs of the VINTAGE project – Good Health into Older Age – aimed to improve knowledge and to build capacity, encouraging evidence- and experience-based decisions for prevention of harmful use of alcohol among elderly are already available.
- VINTAGE report “Alcohol and older people: a public health perspective”, which collects and analyses results of the review of scientific evidence on the impact of alcohol consumption among the elderly“;
- VINTAGE report “Best practices on preventing the harmful use of alcohol amongst older people, including transition from work to retirement”, which presents the results of the survey addressed to professionals and researchers throughout Europe and of the grey literature review concerning effective policies and programs on the prevention of alcohol use among older people;
- VINTAGE Database on Best Practices, which collects information on the main initiatives aimed at preventing or reducing harmful alcohol use among older people resulted from the survey conducted at European level;
- VINTAGE Database on Grey Literature, which collects information on all documents retrieved through the grey literature review of projects, programs, good practices, laws and infrastructures aimed at preventing the harmful alcohol use in the elderly.
VINTAGE will go ahead with the collection of all the available good practices, projects, existing laws and infrastructures at EU level aimed at preventing or reducing harmful alcohol use among older people all over European countries. Please submit contributions using the online questionnaire. Any new contribution is welcome and easy to be provided by all possible stakeholders. |
27/10/2010Special issue of the Drug & Alcohol Review containing the proceedings from the Gateshead conference is now available and can be accessed at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dar.2010.29.issue-6/issuetoc
11/10/2010the Boston Conference website is already working. You can find the most updated information on the conference there and in the conference flyer.
08/10/2010The presentations, the AGM and the CC notes of the Conference in Gothenburg has already been uploaded in theconference site.
08/06/2010The Report and the Commentary on the INEBRIA members’ survey has been finalized. The Co-ordinating Committee will now carefully consider the results of the survey and how the main recommendations and preferences can be implemented. We would very much welcome any other comments from members on the implications for the survey results for INEBRIA activity.
26/04/2010The scientific committee of the 7th Inebria Conference has decided to extend the period to submit proposals until the 21st of May. Individuals are invited to submit contributions for presentation at the 7th Annual Conference through this call for abstracts. Please submit the abstract for your proposed contribution using this on-line form.
16/02/2010 Individuals are invited to submit contributions for presentation at the 7th Annual Conference through this call for abstracts. Please submit the abstract for your proposed contribution using this on-line form. The deadline for submission of proposals is April 30th 2010. You will find all the information on registration, programme, venue, etc at the conference website and in the conference flyer. Register now.
11/01/2010 Inebria on-line survey is ready for members to help the INEBRIA Committee to define the network’s policy for future activities. It will take a few minutes to respond to it and will be invaluable in providing a snapshot of the current membership and determining what activities we should engage in between conferences. If you have any queries about this please let us know by emailing inebria@gencat.cat.
11/01/2010 The Guide for implementing alcohol screening and brief intervention (SBI) in trauma centers is now available to be downloaded from the CDC website. The guide provides step-by-step suggestions for creating an SBI program in trauma centers, many of which are now required to do so by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. In addition another guide for primary care implementation will be available shortly. The authors will appreciate if you would: pass this link on to others who might be interested, adapt the guide to whatever settings and circumstances present themselves (it’s in the public domain), and let them know if you find mistakes or think of ways it can be improved.
11/01/2010 The AERC Alcohol Academy is currently organising a half-day symposium entitled “Brief Interventions: Addressing commissioning and delivery issues” for alcohol leaders and commissioners to assess issues affecting the effective delivery of brief intervention projects and possible responses. This is a small and targeted symposium to ensure focused discussion by experts. More information or contact organiser.
21/12/2009 The presentations and the list of participants (restricted access only – ask for password) of the last conference in Newcastle have been uploaded to the conference site.
12/10/2009 The 7th Inebria Conference with the title “Brief interventions on alcohol – Advances in research and practice” will take place in Gothenburg (Sweden) from the 9th to the 10th of September 2010. For more information download the conference flyer.
01/10/2009 INEBRIA Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 9th from 9 to 9:45am during the Conference in Newcastle with this agenda . Please have a look at the minutes of the last AGM. We look forward to seeing you there.
28/09/2009 The first Inebria Europe meeting will take place on the 7th of October in Newcastle. There is a proposed agenda for that meeting. You are kindly invited to participate. Please contact Fredrik Spak and Pierluigi Struzzo or Inebria Secretariat for further information. You will have to register for the General Conference.
25/09/2009 Fact Sheet on BI Summarizesthe main findings on health care advice on alcohol and it was prepared as part of the Building Capacity Project managed by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, co-financed by the European Commission.
20/09/2009 Primary Health care European Project on Alcohol (Phepa) has produced a Final flyer summarizing the activities carried out by the Project during the last 5 years and also reviewing the main documents available at the website.
07/05/2009 The I BRAZIL-AFRICA MEETING ON BRIEF INTERVENTIONS FOR ALCOHOL PROBLEMS: RESEARCH & PUBLIC HEALTH will take place in Ribeirao Preto, Brasil on the 14 and 15th of May, 2009. Program of the meeting is already available.
For more information you can contact Prof. Dr. Erikson Furtado .
18/04/2009 The second number of the Inebria Bulletin has been published.
20/03/2009 Visit the 6th Inebria Conference website or download the Conference Flyer for all the information (call for abstracts, programme, venue, registration and hotel accommodation) related with the Newcastle/Gateshead Conference, 7-9th October 2009.
03/10/2008 The final program of the 5th Conference of INEBRIA has been published.
14/05/2008 The 5th Conference of INEBRIA will take place from the 8th to 10th of October 2008 in the city of Ribeirão Preto (Brazil) . More information in this leaflet and in the conference website.
Submission deadline has been extended until July 31st.
21/11/2007 All the presentations of the 4th INEBRIA conference are being placed at our website
27/07/2007 The third European Alcohol Policy Conference will take place in Barcelona, 3rd-5th April 2008. For registration and proposals’ submissionm please visit the conference website.
27/07/2007 The Royal College of Physicians of London is hosting a one day conference – Reducing the Harm Caused by Alcohol: A Coordinated European Response – (link al pdf) aimed at mobilizing the medical professions to be more involved in alcohol policy issues.
It is one activity of the Building Capacity project. For more information.
14/03/2007 The 4th Conference of INEBRIA “Putting theory into practice: Research, Training and Health Promotion Programmes in EIBI” will take place the 19th-20th November 2007
in Brussels, Belgium.
This conference aims to set a common research agenda for INEBRIA and to promote further worldwide international collaboration on training and practical implementation. The Conference will pay special attention to the following areas of interest:
- Media campaigns supporting EIBI in Primary Care
- Internet applications of EIBI and distant learning tools
- Collaborative or stepped care using EIBI
- EIBI in special settings (social work, nurses, pharmacists)
- Integrating EIBI into local health promotion programmes
- Ensuring enduring application and follow up after EIBI
20/07/2006 WHO Collaborative Project – Phase IV – report posted on the WHO website
WHO have posted a Report on its website that represents the culmination of 25 years of research in the WHO Collaborative Project on Identification and Management of Alcohol-related Problems in Primary Health Care. The Report describes Phase IV in this series of studies and is entitled: Development of Country-wide Strategies for Implementing Early Identification and Brief Intervention in Primary Health Care. The primary aim of the Phase IV study was to develop and apply country-wide strategies for the widespread, routine and enduring implementation of early identification and brief intervention in the primary health care systems of participating countries. TheReport contains summaries of action research with this aim carried out in 11 European countries plus Australia, together with introductory and concluding chapters.
09/06/2006 The alcohol in Europe Report has been published on the 1st of June and is now available at:
The report ‘Alcohol in Europe: a public health perspective’ was written by Dr Peter Anderson and Ben Baumberg for the Institute of Alcohol Studies (www.ias.org.uk), and funded by a grant from the European Commission. It represents the views of its authors and not that of the Commission itself.
21/03/2006 The ISBRA 2006 Congress will be held at The Wentworth Sydney, Australia from September 10 to 13, 2006.
09/03/2006 The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health from Toronto (Canada) has developed an online tool for problem drinkers and the program is up and running unfortunately just in English for now) and is available at: www.alcoholhelpcenter.net
If you have any comments, see any problems, or have suggestions for other materials, let Dr. John A. Cunningham know.
01/03/2006 The Training Programme and the Clinical Guidelines developed in the framework of the Phepa Project have been published. More information at: http://www.phepa.net.
Training Programme (0.8 Mb)
Clinical Guidelines (3.5 Mb)
15/10/2005Announcement of the 2nd Conference of INEBRIA International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems. 15th and 16th September 2005
15/08/2005 International conference ALCOHOL AND INJURY: New knowledge from Emergency Room Studies.
The Conference will be hosted in Berkeley , California from October 3-6, and is being sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and co-sponsored by the World Health Organization and by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The first part of the conference is devoted to new knowledge on the epidemiology of alcohol and injury from ED studies, while the last day will focus on screening and brief intervention in the emergency department setting. More about the conference along with registration and hotel information can be found at: http://www.arg.org/ER-conferenc