he meeting is organised by the Catalan Sub-Directorate General on Addictions, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Viral Hepatitis (SGAVIH), which is part of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia.
As you all know, the SGAVIH holds the permanent secretariat of INEBRIA since its foundation, when it was launched in a meeting in Barcelona back in 2004, with the collaboration of the WHO, in order to sustain and expand work in the SBI field after the completion of the WHO international projects.
The main theme of the conference is “20 years transforming health responses in addictions: the pivotal role of SBI” to celebrate its foundation in Barcelona 20 years ago. This choice of title is meant to both look back and analyze what has happened globally in the last two decades in the field; and also, to look forward and start work on the most relevant challenges for future responses on addictions and other risk factors for health.
As president of the local organizing team, chair of the Secretariat, and founding member of INEBRIA, I’m extremely honored to be able to organize our annual event for the third time. This will be an amazing opportunity to share the commitment of Catalonia to the implementation of SBI with you, and, also, to bring together all the INEBRIA network in our beloved city of Barcelona.
We look forward to welcoming you, full of enthusiasm and commitment.
Dr Joan Colom, President of the local organizing committee

For over 20 years, the Catalan Ministry of Health has supported INEBRIA as the Secretariat in Barcelona and has been the driving scientific force behind all that we do. Beyond invaluable financial support, the INEBRIA Secretariat has provided us with exceptional scientific leadership. I am so excited that we get to hold INEBRIA’s 20th annual conference in the birthplace of INEBRIA, Barcelona, so that we can celebrate 20 years of leadership from Joan Colom, Toni Gual, Lidia Segura, and all the amazing supporting staff at the Catalan Agency of Public Health.
I hope you will join me in Barcelona this year to celebrate this amazing milestone.
Professor Jeremy Bray, INEBRIA President