9th Conference of INEBRIA, 27th and 28th September 2012 Barcelona

Conference: From Clinical practice to Public Health:
The two dimensions of Brief Interventions27th – 28th September 2012
Barcelona, Spain
Pre-conference: Third meeting of the Catalan Network of
PHC alcohol Referents (XaROH)26th September 2012Pre-conference only for members of the Catalan Network (XaROH) and invited speakers

Thursday 09.00-09.20 (plenary session)

Boi Ruiz – Minister of Health, Government of Catalonia
Nick Heather – President, INEBRIA
Joan Colom – Chair of the local organizing and scientific committee

Thursday 09.20-10.00 (plenary session)

Introduction – Joan Colom
Scaling up screening and brief interventions: a public health priority
Maristela Monteiro
Chair: Joan Colom
Plenary (Auditori)

Thursday 10.20-11.35 (3 parallel sessions)

Chair: Maristela Monteiro
Room 1 (Aula 1)
BI to reduce alcohol risk consumption on PHC in Chile: Pilot program of public health Pablo Norambuena, Alfredo Pemjean G
Implementation of EIBI in Brazil Maria Lucia Formigoni
The alcohol screening day in Catalonia: beyond the identification of alcohol-related problems Joan Colom, Jorge Palacio-Vieira, Lidia Segura Garcia, Estela Diaz, Rosa Freixedas, Nuria Bastida, Antoni Gual
The future of INEBRIA Latina Telmo Ronzani
EIBI/SBI in Hospitals and A&E
Chair: Ramon Pujol
Room 2 (Aula 2)
Key Findings of Teachable Moment Study in U.S. Trauma Center Laura Veach, Regina Moro, Beth Reboussin, Preston Miller, Mary Claire O’Brien
Screening and brief intervention activities on Dutch Accident & Emergency (A&E) units in hospitals: a survey amongst healthcare professionals Myrna Keurhorst, E. Keizer, J. Cruijsberg, M. Laurant
Brief intervention in a general hospital for problematic prescription drug use: Outcome at 3- and 12-month follow-up Gallus Bischof, Zahradnik, A., Otto, C., Crackau, B., Lõhrmann, I., John, U., Rumpf, H.J.
Detection of Alcohol Consumption among Hospitalised Internal Medicine patients In Europe. The ALCHIMIE study Beatriz Rosón, Lubica Cibickova, Rocío Gamallo, Eric Oziol, Lidiya Petrovicheva, Riina Salupere, Arsenio Santos, Wolgang Voge, Lauma Zarina
EIBI/SBI for alcohol and other drugs
Chair: Carmen Cabezas
Room 6 (Espai 6)
Engagement of Patients with Alcohol Misuse After Proactive Outreach for the Engagement of Patients with Alcohol Misuse After Proactive Outreach for the CHOICE Trial Kathy Bradley, Julie Richards,Laura Chavez,Evette Ludman, Malia Oliver, Joe Merrill, Emily Williams, Eric Hawkins, Gwen, Lapham,Daniel Kivlahan
Have doctors taken on the message to drink less? Peter Anderson
Do reductions in drinking “wear off”?Examining alcohol use patterns in an SBIRT control group over 30 months James Paul Seale, Jason Dhabliwala, Aaron Johnson
Validating a single-question instrument for screening alcohol problems at Primary Care in Catalonia Jorge Palacio-Vieira, Lidia Segura Garcia, Estela Diaz, Rosa Freixedas, Nuria Bastida, Antoni Gual, Joan Colom

Thursday 11.45-13.00 (3 parallel sessions)

Chair: Joan Colom
Room 1 (Aula 1)
The validity of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in hospitalized acute psychiatric patients. López Lazcano Ana Isabel, Balcells Oliveró Mercé, Gual Solé Antoni, Salamero Manel.
The ASSIST training package in Spanish: where do we go from now? Maristela G Monteiro
Development of an e-ASSIST: trying to resolve implementation barriers in PHC-settings. Tom Defillet
Spanish validation of ASSIST J Martínez-Raga, J. de la Cruz Bértolo, I. Martínez-Gras, G. Ponce Alfaro, A. Rigabert Sánchez-Junco, G. Rubio Valladolid
Optimizing delivery of health professionals to incorporate EIBI in their routine work
Chair: Peter Anderson
Room 2 (Aula 2)
How GPs view the issue Marcin Wojnar
ODHIN RCT overview Preben Bendtsen
Training and support intervention Myrna Keurhorst
Financial reimbursement intervention Miranda Laurant
eBI interventions Paul Wallace
Challenges Antoni Gual
EIBI/SBI for alcohol and other drugs
Chair: Mercè Balcells
Room 6 (Espai 6)
The effects of counselor characteristics on within-session processes and outcomes in a brief motivational intervention for heavy drinking Jean-Bernard Daeppen, J. Gaume, M. Magill, R. Longabaugh, N. Bertholet, G. Gmel, JB. Daeppen
Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of Polydrug use (SNIPE) Robert Dempsey, John McAlaney, Yildiz Akvardar, Bridgette Bewick, Solveig Bøggild Dohrmann, Francisco Guillén-Grima, Stefanie Helmer, Ondrej Kalina, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Olga Orosova, Claudia Pischke, Ferdinand Salonna, Christiane Stock, Guido Van Hal, Bart Vriesacker, Hajo Zeeb
Do Brief Motivational Interventions Work Like We Think They Do? Nicolas Bertholet, Tibor Palfai, Jean-Bernard Daeppen, Richard Saitz
The ability of single screening questions for unhealthy alcohol and other drug use to identify substance dependence in primary care Richard Saitz, Cheng DM, Allensworth-Davies D, Winter M, Smith PC

Thursday 14.00-15.00 (plenary session)

Jim McCambridge, Antoni Gual
Chair: Nick Heather
Plenary (Auditori)

Thursday 15.20-16.35 (3 parallel sessions)

Cost and cost efectiveness of SBI
Chair: Jeremy Bray
Room 1 (Aula 1)
The cost-effectiveness of alcohol SBI in emergency and outpatient medical settings Carolina Barbosa, Alexander Cowell, Jeremy Bray, Arnie Aldridge
Implementation Costs of SBI for Illicit Drug Use Gary Zarkin, Jeremy Bray, Jesse Hinde
A simulation model of the financial viability of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in the United States Alexander Cowell, William N Dowd, Jeremy Bray
Evaluating the Effect of Requiring Alcohol SBI Programs in US Trauma Centers: Cost Evidence from Arizona Arnie Aldridge, Jeremy Bray, Gary Zarkin, Jesse Hinde
EIBI/SBI in maternity services, child health care and any social sector
Chair: Mireia Jané
Room 2 (Aula 2)
A realist evaluation of screening and Alcohol Brief Intervention in antenatal care Lawrence Doi, Jepson, Ruth; Cheyne, Helen
SIPS JR HIGH – A feasibility trial of screening and Brief alcohol intervention using MI to principles to prevent hazardous drinking in young people Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Simon Coulton, Paolo Deluca, Mark Deverill, Colin Drummond, Eilish Gilvarry, Denise Howel, Eileen Kaner, Kirsty Laing, Paul McArdle, Elaine McColl, Ruth McGovern, Stephanie O’Neil, Chris Speed, Elaine Stamp, Les Tate
Antenatal professionals’ perception and intervention regarding consumption of alcohol and drugs pregnancy. Lidia Segura, Ana Ibar, Cristina Martinez, Mireia Jane, Joan Colom
Screening and brief physician advice to reduce teens’ risk of substance-related car crashes: an international trial Sion Harris, Ladislav Csémy, Lon Sherritt, Shari Van Hook, Olga Starostova, Janine Bacic, Caroline Finlay, John R Knight
Changing Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol: Sharing the lessons of ABI
Chair: Richard Saitz
Laboratori de les arts
Scotland’s ABI policy / programme overview – national progress since 2009 Sarah Currie, Andrew McAuley, Tessa Parkes, Clare Beeston
An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions in Scotland Tessa Parkes, Douglas Eadie, Iain Atherton, Dennis Petrie, Josie Evans
Building the evidence base for ABIs in wider settings Garth Reid, Clare Beeston, Ruth Jepson
Alcohol Brief Interventions in the Scottish Criminal Justice Setting: A Pilot Andrew McAuley, Lesley Graham, Kate Skellington-Orr, Shirley McCoard

Thursday 16.45-18.00 (3 parallel sessions)

Brief intervention research in the emergency department: recruitment, assessment, and intervention in NIDA CTN Protocol 0047: SMART-ED.
Chair: Michael Bogenschutz
Room 1 (Aula 1)
Symposium Introduction Michael Bogenschutz, Dennis Donovan, Alyssa Forcehimes, Cameron Crandall, Raul Mandler, Harold Perl, Robert Lindblad, Neal Oden, Robrina Walker
Participant recruitment in the SMART-ED study Cameron Crandall, Raul Mandler, Michael Bogenschutz, Dennis Donovan, Lindsay Worth, Robert Lindblad
Screening, enrollment, and assessment in the SMART-ED study Robert Lindblad, Michael Bogenschutz, Dennis Donovan, Ro Shauna Rothwell, Robrina Walker, O’Neal Oden, Harold Perl,
Cameron Crandall
Intervention Training, Supervision and Fidelity Monitoring in the SMART-ED study Alyssa Forcehimes, Wilson, K., Moyers, T., Tillman, J., Dunn, C., Lizarraga, C., Ripp, C.
Qualitative reports of interventionists in the SMART-ED study Dennis Donovan, Melissa Phares ,Ernie McGarry, Julie Taborsky, Courtney Fitzgerald, Alyssa Forcehimes, Mary Hatch-Maillette, k. Michelle Peavy
EIBI/SBI implementation as a public health tool
Chair: Allaman Allamani
Room 2 (Aula 2)
The challenges facing brief intervention delivery across health and social care setttings in England James Morris
Project SPIRA (Secondary prevention in Primary health care – Implementation of methods to reduce Risk drinking of Alcohol) Frida Silfversparre, Fredrik Spak
Linking SBIRT to Colorado’s Winnable Public Health Battles: Innovative approaches to statewide dissemination of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment Leigh Fischer, Carolyn Swenson
EIBI/SBI and the Internet
Chair: Paul Wallace
Laboratori de les arts
Internet-based Self-Assessment and
Monitoring of Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use: Two Randomized Controlled Trials
Kristina Sinadinovic, Peter Wennberg, Magnus Johansson, Anne H Berman
EFAR FVG: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial of web-based approach to alcohol reduction in risky drinkers in Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia Pierluigi Struzzo, Richard Mc Gregor, Harris Ligidakis, Roberto Della Vedova, Lisa Verbano, Costanza Tersar and
The College of Family Physicians of Canada Alcohol SBIR Initiative: A Web of Family Physicians of Canada Based Tool for Primary Care Clinicians Peter Butt, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and College

Friday 9.00-10.00 (plenary session)

What can digital technologies add to screening and brief intervention
for alcohol misuse in healthcare settings?

Paul Wallace
Chair: Antoni Gual
Plenary (Auditori)

Friday 10.15-11.00

Poster Session
Room 6 (Espai 6)

Friday 11.00-12.15 (3 parallel sessions)

EIBI/SBI Internet and new technologies
Chair: Tom Defillet
Room 1 (Aula 1)
Users’ experiences of seeking help with their drinking online and using an internet-based intervention Zarnie Khadjesari, Elizabeth Murray, Fiona Stevenson, Christine Godfrey
Pilot Results from a Commercially Implemented Internet-Based Brief Intervention (IBI) for Canadian Students Living in Residence Trevor van Mierlo, Matthew George, Tim Fricker
The Effectiveness of the What Do You Drink Web-based Brief Alcohol Intervention in Reducing Heavy Drinking among Students: A Two-arm Parallel Group Randomized Controlled Trial Carmen Voogt, Evelien A., P. Poelen, Marloes Kleinjan, Lex A., C. J. Lemmers, Rutger C. , M. E. Engels
Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Problems in Mental Health Settings: New Findings, New Challenges
Chair: Robert Huebner
Room 2 (Aula 2)
Screening and treatment of hazardous drinking among depression patients Derek Satre, Stacy Sterling, Constance Weisner
“What if”? Opportunities for Screening for Alcohol Problems within Mental Health Services Constance Weisner, Felicia Chi, Sujaya Parthasarathy
Integrating Substance Use Screening for Adolescents into Mental Health settings: Rationale and Outcomes. Stacy Sterling, Felicia Chi, Andrea Kline-Simon
Brief Alcohol Intervention in a Psychiatric Outpatient Setting Christina Nehlin Gordh, Anders Fredriksson, Leif Gronblad, Lennart Jansson
Brief Intervention in the treatment of Alcohol use disorders in relevant
settings-the BISTAIRS project
Chair: Antoni Gual
Room 6 (Espai 6)
BISTAIRS Project – Overview Bernd Schulte
BI in medical settings (feasibility and effectiveness) Dorothy Newbury-Birch
BI in social settings (feasibility and effectiveness) Christiane Schmidt
National Strategies in Alcohol Policy to facilitate EIBI in relevant settings Cristina Ribeiro

Friday 12.15-13.00

INEBRIA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
(Members and non members are invited to participate)
Plenary (Auditori)

Friday 14.00-15.00 (plenary session)

Dissemination of SBI: What will it take? – Richard Saitz
Chair: Antoni Mateu, Director of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia
Plenary (Auditori)

Friday 15.20-16.35 (3 parallel sessions)

EIBI in Mental Health and Social Care
Chair: Cristina Molina
Room 1 (Aula 1)
Examining the applicability of the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) model to mental health services delivery Manu Singh, Elizabeth Eyler, Susan Hayashi
Com-BI-ne: Final results of a feasibility trial of brief intervention to improve alcohol consumption & co-morbid outcomes in hypertensive or depressed primary care patients Graeme Wilson, Catherine Wray, Ruth McGovern, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Elaine McColl, Ann Crosland, Chris Speed, Paul Cassidy, Dave Thomson, Shona Haining, Eileen FS Kaner
Evaluating Alcohol Interventions for People at Risk of Homelessness Niamh Fitzgerald , Dowds, J.; McCluskey, S.: and Fitzgerald, N.
Two types of Biases in Brief Intervention Studies
Chair: Jim McCambridge
Room 2 (Aula 2)
Workplace and Alcohol
Chair: Josep Lluis Peray
Laboratori de les arts
European Workplace and Alcohol Project (EWA) : introduction to the project and presentation of the Belgian case report. Bart Garmyn
Occupational Health Services (OHS) Collaboration with Workplaces in Actions to Prevent Alcohol-related Harms at the Workplace Leena Hirvonen, Jorma Seitsamo, Marketta Kivistö
The prevalence of alcohol prevention in general and secondary prevention (risk-drinking model) in particular at Swedish worksites Håkan Källmén, Håkan Leifman, Ulric Hermansson, Stig Vinberg

Friday 16.45-17.30 (plenary session)

Plenary (Auditori)

Plenaries, parallel sessions and symposiums

Poster 1
The effect of referral for brief intervention for alcohol misuse on repetition of deliberate self harm: A 4 year follow up
Madeleine Dean, Ruth Brown, Asim Mohammed, Kieran Quirke, Mike Crawford
Poster 2
Organizational factors related to the implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Abuse in Brazil.
Telmo Ronzani, Leonardo Fernandes Martins, Daniela C. Belchior Mota, Erica Cruvinel
Poster 3
Culturally Appropriate Brief Interventions in Routine Hospital Care for Facial Injury Patients at High-Risk of Alcohol Misuse.
Megan Whitty, Rama Jayaraj, Rachael Hinton, Tricia Nagel
Poster 4
Evaluation of Distance Learning as Strategy of Intersectoral Actions Implementation of SBIRT in Minas Gerais State (Brazil)
Telmo Ronzani, Marta de Sousa Lima, Cristina Fatima dos Santos Crespo, Onofre Ricardo Marques, Tanit Jorge Sarsur, Rubensmidt Ramos Riani, Antonio Jorge de Souza Marques
Poster 5
Differences among substance abusers in Spain and the US who recovered on their own
José Luis Carballo, Linda Carter Sobell , Mark B. Sobell
Poster 6
Introduction of an alcohol brief intervention program in primary healthcare settings in Chile
Maria Rebeca Correa Del Rio, Richard Chenhal,lSarah MacLean
Poster 7
Stigmatization and selectiveness of bringing up the topic of alcohol use in social work
Elina Renko
Poster 8
Experience with a SBIRT program in alcohol dependent patioans awaiting liver transplant
Ana Belen Martinez Gonzalo, Rosa Hernández- Ribas, Beatriz Rosón Hernández, Xavier Xiol Quingles, Ramon Pujol Farriols, José Manuel Menchón Magriñá
Poster 9
Evaluation of a pilot community pharmacy-based alcohol screening and advice service.
Janet Krska, A J Mackridge, J Taylor
Poster 10
Training needs of pharmacy staff providing an alcohol screening service
Janet Krska, E Stokes. P Penson, AJ Mackridge
Poster 11
Developing a model of best practice.
Craig Jones, Sarah Jones, John Bradley
Poster 12
Outcome success or failure: when delivering SBI training to different professional and non-professional staff and agencies
John Reading, Dexter Coombe
Poster 13
The Electronic Art of Brief Interventions
John Bradley, Sarah Jones, Craig Jones
Poster 14
Brief intervention addressing alcohol consumption and related problems: evaluation of attitudes among nursing students
Marcelle Junqueira, Sandra Cristina Pillon
Poster 15
Developing effective acute care management for alcohol-related attendance at Emergency Departments in the UK: The AAIDED Study
Kathryn Parkinson, James Connolly, John Wright, Paul Hindmarch, Eileen Kaner, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Luke Vale
Poster 16
Comparison of two different methods for early identification of risk drinking. Idendification of risky drinking
Hanna Reinholdz, Robin Fornazar, Preben, Hanna Reinholdz, Robin Fornazar, Preben Bendtsen, Fredrik Spak
Poster 17

Alcohol screening and brief intervention activity in consultations among primary health care physicians and nurses – a prospective study

Kati Seppänen, Mauri Aalto, Kaija Seppä
Poster 18
No Association between Documented Brief Intervention and Resolution of Unhealthy Alcohol Use in 30 VA Medical Centers
Emily C. Williams, Anna D. Rubinsky, Gwen T. Lapham,Carol E. Achtmeyer, Stacey E. Rittmueller, Katharine A. Bradley
Poster 19
RADiANT: a pilot randomised controlled trial in progress of brief intervention to reduce risky drinking in pregnancy
Graeme Wilson, Ruth McGovern, Grace Antony, Paul Cassidy, Mark Deverill, Erin Graybill, Eilish Gilvarry, Moira Hodgson, Eileen FS Kaner, Kirsty Laing, Elaine McColl, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Judith Rankin.
Poster 20
No detectable effect of marijuana use on health or healthcare utilization among patients with any illicit drug use identified by screening in primary care.
Daniel Fuster, Debbie M. Cheng, Donald Allensworth-Davies, Tibor P. Palfai, Jeffrey H. Samet, Richard Saitz
Poster 21
Brief interventions in the German primary health care setting – far from being routine?
Christiane Schmidt, Schulte, B., Farnbacher, G., Gõtzke, C., Reimer, J.
Poster 22
Efficacy of Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students (BASICS): a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Marcella Ayer-Abdalla, Alexandre Fachini, Poliana Patrício Aliane, Edson Zangiacomi Martínez, Erikson Felipe Furtado
Poster 23
Evaluation of the PAI-PAD program for Alcohol Brief Interventions implementation on two health regions in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mey Fan Porfírio Wai, Pâmela Migliorini, Claudino da Silva, Larissa Horta Esper,Ildebrando Moraes de Souza, Marcella Beatriz Ayer Abdalla , Erikson Felipe Furtado
Poster 24
General Practitioners providing Brief Intervention: what is their impact on the community?
Allaman Allamani, Ilaria Basetti Sani, Fabio Voller
Poster 25
Implementation of SBI for alcohol and tobacco program in surgical oncological unit: analysis of pre and post-implementation process at three months.
Marion Barrault, Barthelemy, V., Grados, C., Saint Jacques, M., Garguil, V., Auriacombe, M., Boussard, V. Boyer, A., Lakdja, F., Bussières, E
Poster 26
Spanish initiatives to promote alcohol brief interventions: AMPHORA Project report
Noemí Robles, Antoni Gual
Poster 27
Dissemination of Screening and Brief Intervention through Distance Learning Courses in Brazil: the challenge of creating a network.
Maria Lucia O. Souza-Formigoni, Ramos, MP, Moura, Y, DeMicheli, D Silva, EA, Carneiro, APL, Duarte, PCAV
Poster 28
Participation in distance learning courses contributes to the implementation of Screening and Brief Intervention in Brazil
Maria Lucia O. Souza-Formigoni, Ramos, MP;Carneiro, APL; Moura, Y; DeMicheli, D; Silva, EA;Duarte, PCAV
Prize awarded for outstanding posters and oral presentations (no ranking)

Organized by


With the support of

odhin camfic caixaforum

Co-sponsored by

For further information about INEBRIA:

Web: www.inebria.net
Inebria Secretariat
Program on Substance Abuse
Public Health Agency of the Government of Catalonia
Barcelona (Spain)
Phone: 34 93 551 36 10
Email: inebria@gencat.cat